Oh, caffeine, how you make the world go round. The earliest traces of humans getting their caffeine fix from coffee dates all the way back to the 15th century in modern day Yemen. Fact check it. What we're getting at, is there's a reason it's been around for so long. Caffeine and coffee, it's a way of life. Engrained in our DNA. Luckily, with modern day knowledge and methods, we can now further optimize and perfect our favorite ingredient in our favorite beverage.
Caffeine, Herbal Green Tea, and Colombian Roast Coffee:
We all know coffee contains caffeine. The main thing to understand is, the caffeine content as well as the quality can vary quite a bit from bean to bean, roast to roast and company to company. For example, the standard arabica coffee bean contains anywhere from 1.2 to 1.5 percent caffeine, versus a robusta coffee bean which contains upwards of 2.9 percent caffeine. That's right, around double the amount of caffeine per cup of coffee. That means if a standard cup of coffee contains around 100 mg of caffeine, robusta will have 200 mg. But don't get your hopes up just yet. The taste of a robusta coffee is, well, I don't want to use the word putrid, but 99% of Americans would classify it as such. The only legitimate place to try it would most likely be Vietnam, as they as the worlds largest producer of the bean. Simply put, arabica coffee beans are the gold standard of the coffee world. This is why 100% arabica coffee is always used in our infusions. Furthermore, with our micro batch roasting method, we are able to monitor the roasting process with a much higher level of quality control than, say, a new Starbucks roast campaign (thousands of pounds of coffee at a time). On a commercial scale in a mass production format, it can lead to variances and more chances to mess something up. In our micro roast batches, we can control the roast with a lot more accuracy meaning more quality and consistent caffeine in every cup (or K-Cup).
Alright, a lot of words on the coffee grounds there. But how does the Green Tea Extract fit in? Well, a couple of notes on that. Green Tea itself also contains catechins, more specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) (we'll get into that later). These natural Green Tea catechins contain small amounts of caffeine. Nothing major that will send you into the realm of the 200 mg range, but just enough to give our Fat Burning Coffee (and you) that added bump of difference when compared to a standard non-infused coffee. As you should know by now, caffeine has been shown to stimulate and increase energy expenditure, while promoting quantifiable weight loss effects.
As a last note, I'd like to highlight that Green Tea Extract shares more fat loss benefits than just having caffeine in its normal structure. Tune in later to learn more about the healthy weight loss and fitness affects of Green Tea Extract in our next Volume!